Youth conference on the future of Europe

The College of Europe, in cooperation with EuropaNova, the Bertelsmann Stiftung Paris Sorbonne (Paris IV) and ThinkYoung, is organizing a conference on: “Europe in crisis: re-inventing the continent”

di Cristina Barbetta

Europe is facing tremendous crises,  financial as well as political and social, with severe consequences for its youth. The College of Europe, in cooperation with EuropaNova,  the Bertelsmann StiftungParis Sorbonne (Paris IV) and ThinkYoung, the first European think-tank concerned about young Europeans,  is organizing a youth conference on “Europe in crisis: re-inventing the continent.  The conference will be held in Bruges, Belgium, on the 5th of October.
The ambition of this Youth Conference is to ensure that young Europeans take an active role in the debate concerning their own future, and that of Europe.
Speakers from different backgrounds and levels have been invited to discuss the future challenges of Europe in four thematic areas: law, economics, international relations and politics. 
Europe’s young generation have in turn been invited to actively debate and voice their visions about the future of Europe through submitting papers and through participation, both in person and via social media.
Speakers include:  Philippe de Backer, MEP for ALDE Group; Andrea Gerosa, Founder and Chief Thinker of ThinkYoung; Tatiana Márquez Uriarte, Directorate General for Energy, European Commission; Keisuke Sadamori, Director Energy Markets and Security, IEA Paris; Daniel Gros, Director of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and Jean-Claude Bonichot, Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ). 
The  conference is sponsored by Freshfields

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