Non profit

YIHR Announces its Small Grants Programme 2012

The programme will foster activism and cooperation between youth of different ethnicities

di Oneworld Southeast Europe

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo (YIHR KS) announced the second round of call for project proposals within its Small Grants Programme 2012, aiming to foster activism and encourage dialogue and cooperation between youth of different ethnic backgrounds in Kosovo and the region. The funding for the YIHR KS’s Small Grants Programme is provided by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

In order to strengthen the capacities of youth activism, YIHR KS will award grants to organizations that demonstrate the capacity to identify local community problems and also demonstrate the ability to undertake concrete steps in resolving these problems.

Priority will be given to projects that involve activities related to encouraging, improving and creating opportunities to establish new links and dialogue between young people from different communities in Kosovo and region; projects that encourage cooperation of youth from different ethnic communities in resolving local and national problems; and projects that strengthen and facilitate youth participation in decision making processes, public life and human rights campaigns.


By Dejan Georgievski, information and knowledge at oneworldsee. Born in 1971 in Sveti Nikole, Macedonia, he is a civic journalist with a degree in English Language and Literature. After having lived in Sarajevo for a couple of years, he now lives and works in Skopje, but can be seen zooming around on his bicycle  around Skopje and Sveti Nikole  or in his car around the Balkans.

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