
World: Online CO2 emissions monitor

A brand new website, CARMA, displays reliable and up to date information of the CO2 emissions of 55,000 power plants across 200,000 world regions

di Vita Sgardello

A quarter of the world?s CO2 emissions are caused by the production of electricity. But who are the world's worst polluters? How efficient is the power plant that generates my household electricity? And which country is, really, the cleanest energy producer? As of the 14th November the answers to these, and more questions, are online and available to all – experts and laymen alike.

The Carbon Monitoring for Action (CARMA) database collects a register of the carbon emissions of 50,000 power plants world wide. This easy to use and accessible website is sponsored by the Center for Global Development in Washington, DC, and is the first attempt that has ever been made to consistently collect and analyse carbon emissions at a world wide scale.

CARMA aims to be the repository of the best available information on power sector carbon emissions and it would seem that world wide web users much appreciate the services offered as in the first 48 hours of life CARMA received over 150, 000 visitors from 187 countries.

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