Non profit
World cultures: National Geographic film competition
Indigenous and underrepresented cultures are to be the focus of the National Geographic’s 2009 All Roads film festival. Submissions deadline in March.
di Staff

The National Geographic is looking for entries from filmmakers around the globe for its All Roads Film Festival 2009. Celebrating indigenous and underrepresented cultures, this unique event provides a platform for storytellers to showcase their work to promote global understanding.
A dynamic event, spanning the globe and genres of international film, art, music, and photography, National Geographic’s All Roads Film Festival seeks to recognise filmmakers who bring their lives and communities to light through first-person storytelling.
The festival provides an international platform for indigenous and under-represented minority-culture artists from all parts of the world. To be held in three US cities – Los Angeles, Washington D.C. and Santa Fe, the festival is accepting entries in the following categories:
– Dramatic Feature
– Long Documentary
– Short Documentary
– Live Action Short
– Animation
– Music Video
An English language version of film entries is required through either English language voice-over or subtitle. Among the requirements are the following:
– All written submissions must be in English or Spanish.
– A brief essay describing the film must be submitted, as well as information on why the entrant has chosen a specific cultural identifier (e.g., Native American tribal affiliation, Tibetan refugee, Masai), and what that identifier means to them.
– For those who do not come from a minority culture or indigenous community, documentation that the entrant has been designated to speak for such a culture or community is required.
The deadline for application is March 15, 2009.
Click here to apply.
Source: National Geographic
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