World AIDS Day

How to honor World's AIDS Day

di Staff

Today more than ever we have the opportunity to fight HIV and show our support to people living with and remember the ones who have passed away because of it, but what’s  the best way to honor World’s AIDS Day?

Get the facts

Learn how to protect yourself and, if you’re diagnosed with it, learn how to stay healthy. If you’re educated about HIV, you can make a difference and educate your  friends, boyfriend/girlfriend and family. Medical students all over Europe are trying to raise awareness through a wide number of activities such as lectures, exhibitions, distribution of condoms and pamphlets, charity concerts and other events.

Get tested

All right, you are faithful and you trust your partner that he’s faithful too, obviously, otherwise why would you want to be in that relationship? However this is not a good reason not to get tested. You don’t know the sexual history of your partner and even if you did, you wouldn’t be able to know the one of his exes. Truth is that 1 in 5 people living with HIV don’t know that they have it, and that rate is higher in youth. Knowing your HIV status is an important step in preventing the spread of HIV and getting early treatment to stay healthy.

Get active

This is a good day to start your life as an activist. Many people get involved all over the world to be part of World AIDS Day. If you’re looking for some inspiration, this is the perfect website for you. If you live in the UK, you can also buy a red ribbon at any MAC store or by visiting the NAT shop. The red ribbon is the universal symbol of awareness and support for people living with HIV.


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