Non profit
Working For A Charity’s online course: enrol now for the October 2008 course
New starters in the non profit sector can now enrol for the 2008 NCVO Working For A Charity online course
di Staff
New starters in the non profit sector can now enrol for the 2008 NCVO Working For A Charity online course. The course, Effective Voluntary Sector Management, is aimed at people who have recently joined the voluntary sector or who are looking to make a career move into it.
The core course consists of 7 units:
- Introduction to the voluntary sector
- Marketing and Communications
- Fundraising
- Employment and management
- Volunteering
- Financial management
- Governance
The course is accredited by Roehampton University and the online element will provide 10 credits at HE level 1.
Volunteers and trustees can also benefit from this course, which will run from October 2008 until June 2009. For more information, visit the Working For A Charity website
Cosa fa VITA?
Da 30 anni VITA è la testata di riferimento dell’innovazione sociale, dell’attivismo civico e del Terzo settore. Siamo un’impresa sociale senza scopo di lucro: raccontiamo storie, promuoviamo campagne, interpelliamo le imprese, la politica e le istituzioni per promuovere i valori dell’interesse generale e del bene comune. Se riusciamo a farlo è grazie a chi decide di sostenerci.