Women will pay for financial crisis
Labour MP Yvette Cooper accuses Cameron of launching "fierce" attack on family support
di Staff

A detailed analysis of the UK’s emergency budget reveals that women will be hit harder than men by increased taxes and public spending cuts, reported the Guardian yesterday.
According to the study, which was issued by shadow welfare secretary Yvette Cooper, women will bear nearly three-quarters of the economic burden of the coalition government’s plans despite the fact that “women’s income and wealth is still considerably lower than men’s”.
Cooper’s accusations are serious ones as the new English Prime Minister, David Cameron, had promised the “most family-friendly government ever” in his Big Society campaign. According to Cooper, who is a member of parliament for Labour, the Tory-Liberal government is guilty of launching “the fiercest attack on family support in the history of the welfare state”. Speaking to the Guardian she also said that “ this budget seems to be reaching back to a prewar approach to families. They’ve cut support for children more savagely than anything else so far, with billions of pounds being cut from child benefit, child tax credits, maternity support and child trust funds”.
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