Will Google’s Powermeter help save the planet?
Now, thanks to the search-engine giant, you can monitor your home's energy consumption from anywhere in the world. David Adam of The Guardian reported.
di Staff
Its searches have been blamed for helping computer users emit as much carbon as a small country, but now Google is trying to give something back to the planet. Last week, the US firm launched an online service that allows British users to monitor their home’s energy use and greenhouse gas emissions via the internet. Sitting at your desk fretting that you left the iron switched on? A handy web page will provide a real-time readout of what’s happening at home whenever you want to know.
The government has long-standing plans to get so-called smart meters into all UK homes as part of efforts to tackle global warming, and a series of trials are under way in various cities and regions. Early results suggest that the mere sight of their pounds and pence ticking away is enough to send people scurrying to turn off lights.
Studies by groups including the Energy Saving Trust suggest smart meters cut energy consumption by 3-15%, potentially saving the average UK household £75 a year, though some experts think users could lapse once the novelty wears off.
Google Powermeter is free, but only available to British homeowners who attach a clip-on gadget called AlertMe Energy (£69, plus £3 a month) to the meter or switch to energy supplier First Utility.
Powermeter will show you graphs of energy consumption over time, and compare it to previous use and regional averages. Jens Redmer, director for business development at Google, says its value is “immediate feedback”; it can even be combined with smart plugs that tell you if a particular appliance is on or off. It is already available in the US, and Redmer says one woman used the service to save her apartment when she detected a burning toaster while at work and alerted a neighbour.
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