Non profit

What to read when on the road

Summer reading list for the socially committed

di Staff

For the young activist:

Angel of Grozny: Inside Chechnya, by Asne Seierstad (author of the Bookseller of Kabul)

Girls of Riyadh, by Rajaa al-Sanea

Non calpestate le farfalle, by Aki Ra & Ginori Anaïs

Suggested by Selene Biffi, Youth Action for Change


For the insatiable networker:

Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan, by Rem Koolhaas

Free Trade Reimagined: The World Division of Labor and the Method of Economics, by Roberto Mangabeira Unger

Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet, by Jeffrey Sachs

The Return of History and the End of Dreams, by Robert Kagan

Suggested by Filippo Addarii, Acevo


For the budding volunteer:

Mass Media in Post Comunist Romania, by Miha Coman

Journalismul Social, by Val Vlaicu

Covering Islam, by Edward W.Said

Diario Ruso, by Ana Politkovskaya

Suggested by Talia Delgado, Brainstorming


Feel free to add to the list, comment is free!

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Poco più di un euro a settimana, un caffè al bar o forse meno. 60 euro l’anno per tutti i contenuti di VITA, gli articoli online senza pubblicità, i magazine, le newsletter, i podcast, le infografiche e i libri digitali. Ma soprattutto per aiutarci a raccontare il sociale con sempre maggiore forza e incisività.