WELPHASE Workshop at the ENHR Conference
5-8 July 2011, Toulouse: a workshop on homelessness, housing policy, welfare and social exclusion
5th – 8th July, Toulouse, France
WELPHASE Workshop at the ENHR Conference
The WELPHASE (Welfare Policy, Homelessness, and Social Exclusion) Working Group will hold a workshop at the ENHR 2011 conference in Toulouse. WELPHASE welcomes papers that address the working group themes of homelessness, housing policy, welfare and social exclusion. In addition, papers with a particular focus on the main conference theme of the ‘mixity’ of the uses of urban space and of housing consumption are invited.
To read more: http://feantsa.horus.be/code/en/pg.asp?Page=25&id_events=412
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