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Volunteering and activism are key to human development

Volunteering and activism can help foster the active participation of citizens to human development, says study

di Staff

CIVICUS, the World Alliance for Citizen Participation, the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme have launched a joint publication called Volunteering and Social Activism: Pathways for participation in human development.

The paper is based on a study undertaken by the three organisations in 2007-2008. The research finds that both volunteering and social activism are important strategies for fostering people’s participation in social change and human development.

The paper also highlights the complementary and supporting roles that volunteering and activism play in fostering participation. Social activism plays an important role in providing leadership, defining areas for engagement and mobilising individuals. However, social activism depends on the contributions of volunteers to effect the change it seeks.

To read the full report click here


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