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Volunteer day: Our tribute to everyday heros

5th December: International Volunteer Day. Vita Europe celebrates with a special report. Who are volunteers? Are they young activists, social entrepreneurs or engaged employees?

di Carlotta Jesi

The English prime minister Gordon Brown calls them "everyday heros". In the USA, Hillary Clinton wants to support their strength by building up a West Point for social innovators if she wins the next presidential election. And Pope Benedict XVI has recently praised them as "a good force that breaks the rules of the market economy". But who really are 2007's volunteers? Young activists, social entrepreneurs or the 58 thousand employees who rolled up their sleeves on November 18th to tackle specific community needs across the globe?

On 5th December, International Volunteer Day, Vita Europe wants to celebrate the contribution and strength of volunteers with a special report dedicated to the new frontiers of volunteerism and to the stories of everyday heroes. To read the report, just follow the links below.

And don¹t forget: volunteers don't stop working on December 6th! Here, at Vita Europe, we won't turn our attention away from all they do. Let your voice be heard! Write to us with your volunteering stories, experiences and ideas and share them with the web!

Special Report on Volunteering:

Engagement's new frontiers

Volunteering made in Europe

Life of a volunteer

Online Volunteering resources

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