VitaEurope’s new home

We are very excited to welcome you to our new home. A brand new website to tell you everything about social innovation in Europe and all over the world.

di Staff


Welcome to our new home! Yes, that’s right we have prepared a brand new website for you to get the latest news about social innovation and connect with other members of our community, not just in Europe but everywhere. will keep telling you about the people who are changing  Europe and the rest of the world.
Over the years we have been writing about  innovators, volunteers, activists and social entrepreneurs who are really making the difference. We are very excited about this new adventure and we want you to be a part of it. 
If you consider yourself a changemaker, well… we can’t wait to hear you story!
Please contact us on Facebook and Twitter

17 centesimi al giorno sono troppi?

Poco più di un euro a settimana, un caffè al bar o forse meno. 60 euro l’anno per tutti i contenuti di VITA, gli articoli online senza pubblicità, i magazine, le newsletter, i podcast, le infografiche e i libri digitali. Ma soprattutto per aiutarci a raccontare il sociale con sempre maggiore forza e incisività.