V-Day takes over the European Parliament
This year's Brussels V-Day event will star members of the European Parliament
di Staff

It’s V-Day season and this year the global activist movement to end violence against women has planned something big in Europe. On 6 March, V-Day will organize a special performance of The Vagina Monologues in Brussels inside the European Parliament. The show will star Eve Ensler and nine women Members of the EP.
Since 1998 V-Day has promoted creative events to raise awareness and funds in order to finance projects that fight violence against women and girls.
The organization was founded by actress and playwright Eve Ensler, whose piece The Vagina Monologues has been one of the most successful off-Broadway shows, ever produced. The play was translated in over 48 languages and performed in over 140 countries.
Following the huge success of the show, Ensler who is herself a domestic violence survivor, decided to create V-Day.
Every year, all over the world, millions of volunteers organize benefit performances of The Vagina Monologues, to generate broader attention about violence toward women and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations.
In the past fourteen years, V-Day has raised over 85 million dollars and has been named one of philanthropedia’s Eexpert-Recommended High-Impact non profits.
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