
USA: How to give well

When figuring out where to donate your money, information may be hard to come by. How much of the sum you donate will actually go to those you aim to help? Give Well aims to help you decide

di Staff

As the website explains, Give Well all started with a simple (seemingly) question: where should I donate?

The answer is not so simple, especially if you care about knowing exactly what will happen to the money you give away to charity. Which is what led Give Well founders to set up a charity that would strive to find out who the best charities were and what they would do with the funds they raised.

The first ever report that classifies charities according to how efficiently they manage to transform people?s lives in Africa is now available on Give Well. First place comes Population Services International, an NGO that promotes and sells objects that save lives, like condoms and mosquito nets. In second place is Partners in Health that provides health services to people in rural areas, while close in the lead are Interplast, who provide specific assistance to people with disabilities.

But was it really necessary to set up a charity to find out which charities to give to? According to founders Golden Karnofsky and Elie Hassenfeld it was, because many foundations were unwilling to give out information about their finances. Give Well aims to prevent others from having to do all the research they had to by finding out the facts themselves and making them available to all.

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