
UN democracy funds open for calls

The United Nations Democracy Fund has opened its third round of funding applications. Only those projects that deal specifically with pro democracy aims will be taken into consideration.

di Oneworld Southeast Europe

The UNDEF Third Round of Funding is now open. Applications will be accepted until 31 December 2008, and can be made only through the UNDEF online facility. They must be written in English or French, the two working languages of the United Nations. Applications sent by E-mail, fax or post will NOT be accepted.

Applicants should be aware that UNDEF funding rounds are highly competitive. In the Second Round, there were more than 1,800 applications, while only 83 projects were funded. Accordingly, the quality of the application will be an important attribute. Applicants are therefore advised to read very carefully the the Project Proposal Guidelines on the UNDEF website. Applications can be saved in the system and should be submitted only when applicants are confident that all the relevant information has been provided.

UNDEF is a democracy fund, not a development fund or a human rights fund. Project proposals that strengthen the voice of civil society in the various democratic processes will be more likely to gain acceptance than project proposals less directly related to democracy promotion. It is anticipated that the vast majority of applicants and short-listed project proposals will emanate from civil society organizations.

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