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UN CSD: Youth to make a caucus
In May the UN Commission on sustainable development will hold its 17th session in New York. Two funded places will be available for youth representatives.
di Staff

The appointment is for May 2009 at the UN headquarters in New York. The two representatives selected for funded positions will receive full funding to cover the return ticket to New York, accommodation and daily subsistence for the period of CSD-17.
The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development is, in fact, organizing its 17th session (CSD-17) that will be held from 4th to 17th May 2009 in New York and the Youth Caucus has announced two funded places for African youth representation thanks to InWEnt on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Selected youth representatives will receive full funding to cover return ticket to New York, accommodation and daily subsistence for the period of CSD-17. While the United States Consular officers reserve the final authority to issue visas, the Youth Caucus leadership will, as much as possible, assist selected participants who require visa to enter the United States.
Supported participants will be demanded to:
1. participate actively and regularly for the full duration of CSD-17 (mandatory stay in New York between 4-17 May 2008 as well as daily conference attendance)
2. participate in any pre-CSD-17 youth activity that may be organised, including online consultations, Youth Blast, etc.
3. participate in the meetings of the major group Youth and Children during CSD 17
4. collaborate with the German delegation and InWEnt before, during and after CSD-17 on sustainable development activities
5. write a 4-5 pages report covering youth activities and engagements at CSD-17; also reviewing the personal contributions to these activities
6. undertake briefing events before and after CSD-17 for youths and youth-serving organisations in his/her country as a means of knowledge sharing on sustainable development issues and CSD.
The selection criteria will be:
· age (up to 26 years)
· gender balance (preferably 1 male and 1 female)
· geographical preference (only applicants from African countries will be considered)
· applicants should have been engaged in a youth organisation since at least two years, and demonstrate support from his/her organisation in the application
· the main focus of the applicant’s engagements should be within the thematic clusters/areas of CSD-17 (Agriculture, Rural development, Land, Drought, Desertification, Africa)
· good English skills
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