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UK: Volunteering at university: the Talloires network

A global network of Universities that has joined forces to promote volunteering in higher education, the Talloires Network, offers tools and resources for graduates and undergraduates

di Staff

?He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own?, said Chinese philosopher Confucius. Now, more than 2,000 years later the principle still stands. And the Talloires Network, that was formed two years ago as an international partnership of institutions (more than 29 Universities from over 23 countries) and is committed to ensuring that higher education ? and millions of higher education students ? become involved in living out Confucius? wisdom by becoming volunteers.

?The satisfaction a volunteer receives is immense and can often lead to career development through the new skills a volunteer will gain from their experience?, comments George MacFarlane, who is a member of UK?s Open University, one of the higher education institutions involved in the Talloires Network.
The aims of the network are to ensure that higher education strengthens communities the world over and prepares students to lead lives of active citizenship.

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