UK: Text a message for the Amnesty Burma campaign
Amenesty International's Burma campaign: text a message to generate awareness of the current crisis in Burma
The human rights organisation, Amnesty International, has launched a new Burma campaign appealing people to text a message to generate awareness of the current crisis in Burma.
Amnesty International reveals a heavy military presence on Burma's streets, combined with mass arrests, brutal killings and disappearances which are causing major concern for the people of Burma and those watching the continuing crisis.
The 'No More Bloodshed' campaign features an SMS call to action, enabling supporters to engage with the organisation ?from anywhere, at anytime? by texting 'Burma' to 64118.
When Amnesty receives a text message it will call the supporter to discuss how he or she can support the organisation's work.
"SMS is continually proving to be a really effective channel for capturing people's interest at the point they engage with our advertising," said Alistair Baggs, Amnesty International's senior direct marketing coordinator. "Earlier in the year we featured text response alongside phone and web as part of our Darfur appeal, and found that over 90% of response came from mobile. As a result we decided to integrate SMS as our main channel for people to pledge their support for the Burma crisis and its again generating record response levels.
Over 40% of response to the campaign to date has been received outside of normal office hours and of those, more than half were over the weekend; proving the value of the channel in capturing interest 24/7. Different keywords are also used on each insertion to evaluate their ROI?
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