UK: Supporting carers creates benefits
New research reveales that employers can create social and financial benefits by providing support to working carers.
New research published in April 2006 has revealed that employers can create social and financial benefits by providing support to working carers
There are six million carers in the UK, over three million of whom combine their caring role with paid employment ? often paying a ?health penalty? themselves for doing so which, over time, can compromise both their caring and employment roles. The research shows that by adopting flexible working practices and supporting working carers, employers can attract and retail skilled staff, reduce employee stress and significantly increase productivity.
The research – entitled ?Who Cares Wins: The Social and Business Benefits of Supporting Working Carers? – was undertaken by the University of Sheffield Hallam?s Social Inclusion Centre on behalf of Action for Carers and Employment (ACE) National Partnership, led by Carers UK.
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