
UK: Social enterprise on the education agenda

The Department for Education and Skills has launched a new strategy proposing that children in England should study social enterprises as part of the GCSE and A-Level syllabus

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The Department for Education and Skills (DfES) has launched a new strategy proposing that children in England should study social enterprises as part of the GCSE and A-Level syllabus.

The Third Sector Engagement Strategy and Action Plan, launched at the end of June 2007, says: ?We want to see more young people aware of the values and characteristics of social enterprise through their studies and by having the chance to experiment themselves. We hope to see an increase in the numbers of education leavers who are aware of ? and considering careers in ? social enterprise thereby setting the foundations for a future society which is dynamic and socially just.?

The plan also states that the DfES intends to work with the Social Enterprise Coalition, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority and the Office of the Third Sector to strengthen guidance material on social enterprise and make it readily available on TeacherNet ? the educational site for teachers and school managers in England.

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