
UK: ‘Procuring social enterprise’ programme

It will facilitate partnerships between social enterprises and waste contractors for the delivery of public waste minimisation services

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London Community Recycling Network – a not for profit organisation that supports and represents London’s existing and emerging community recyclers – is launching a new programme to bridge the gap between local authorities and the third sector.

The programme, entitled Procuring Social Enterprise (PSE), will provide expertise to facilitate partnerships and contracts between social enterprises and local authorities / waste contractors for the delivery of public waste minimisation services. It has been designed to work as a catalyst for the delivery of more effective public services and to help local authorities overcome obstacles they may face opening up their procurement processes to and working in partnership with social enterprises.

PSE will also provide support to social enterprises to develop their capacity and place them in a stronger position to win local authority contracts.

It will be officially launched on 25 January 2007 at a free event in London, featuring a presentation from Ed Miliband MP, Minister for the Third Sector.


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