Non profit
UK: Politics, a new frontier for the third sector?
Gordon Brown wants the third sector to become active in political campaigning and to influence services: what do you think?
di Staff
Gordon Brown wants the third sector to become active in political campaigning and to influence services: what do you think?
Vita Europe launches a survey on the changes proposed by the English Prime Minister on public service provision and the campaigning role of the third sector. Let your voice be heard!
On July 24, presenting his new book Britain?s everyday heroes and the publication of the Cabinet Office and Treasury report on third sector, Gordon Brown has placed volunteering and community activism at the heart of his vision of the ?British way of life?.
His speech, which you can download in full length above, marks also a shift from Tony Blair?s vision of the voluntary sector, particularly on the issue of public service provision and the campaigning role of the third sector, that could have a strong impact on the future development of civil society in the whole of Europe.
Public service provision:
Tony Blair wanted charities and social enterprises to be contract providers of public services in competition with the state. Brown sees them as partners with the state, influencing services.
- What social role should charities have?
Political campaigning role of the third sector:
Acknowledging that young people are increasingly turning away from formal political structures in favour of single issue campaigns, Gordon Brown promised to explore ways of changing rules which currently prevent charities from political campaigning.
- Do you think the third sector should carry out political campaigning?
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