
UK: phone co-op networks isles

The UK's only telecommunications co-operative is providing services to the smallest and most remote local authority

di Alpha communication

The smallest, most remote local authority in the UK has chosen the Phone Co-op, the UK’s only telecommunications co-operative, to provide a comprehensive package of telephone and internet services.

The Council of the Isles of Scilly has improved efficiency and made cost savings as a result of installing an integrated voice and data network supplied by The Phone Co-op, the UK’s only telecommunications co-operative. The Council is also sourcing its broadband, line rental and outbound call services from The Phone Co-op.

The new network forms part of the Council’s e-government programme which is being supported by Socitm Consulting with funding from central government. The Council, which is the UK’s smallest unitary authority, has five separate sites and an airport, and services a community spread across five islands.

See www.thephone.coop

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