UK: new partnership puts young people in charge of lottery money
A consortium of charities will involve more young people in deciding how £76 million in lottery cash is spent over the next two years
Big Lottery Fund has announced a new partnership with Participation Works consortium that will involve more young people in deciding how £76 million in lottery cash is spent over the next two years.
Participation Works is a consortium of youth charities led by National Children?s Bureau (NCB) that includes British Youth Council, Children?s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE), The National Youth Agency (The NYA), National Council for Voluntary Youth Services (NCVYS) and Save the Children ? England.
The consortium will offer a range of 16 programmes and activities providing support to any voluntary or community organisation or social enterprise that works with young people aged 10 ? 25 years old.
Millie Banerjee, Chair of the Carnegie UK Trust, who were key in the initiation of Participation Works commented: ?Participation Works shows how organisations in the third sector can make more difference when they work together, rather than on an individual basis. We are proud to have been one of the founding partners of Participation Works, and to have encouraged and supported this approach. Funding from the Big Lottery Fund will allow Participation Works to transform the way many organisations involve children and young people, and embed changes that will hopefully benefit children and young people across England.?
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