UK: New London project for Bangladeshi women

The project, Bangladeshi Women and Access to Social Enterprise in Camden (BWASEC), aims to understand the issues surrounding the unemployment of Bangladeshi women in Camden

di Alpha communication

Social Enterprise London (SEL) is launching an innovative new pilot project in partnership with the London Borough of Camden.

Bangladeshi women have the highest levels of economic inactivity of all ethnic groups in the UK – during 2004, 75% of Bangladeshi women were neither working nor seeking work. The project will examine if social enterprise can serve as an alternative solution in enabling these women to be more socially included, and also look at any models of best practice.

The project is being led by SEL’s Director of Policy & Research, Sabina Khan. Via a series of consultations and interviews with stakeholder agencies and some training workshops with the women, SEL will seek to understand the needs of these women. A report will then be provided to Camden Council to help develop future priorities in the borough.

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