
UK: new enterprise for women prisoners

It aims to offer prisoners valuable formation and working experience and equip them for a more effective release from prison

di Alpha communication

A new social enterprise has been set up in the UK to employ women prisoners and reduce re-offending.

The enterprise, Inside Job Productions, is a unique multi-media production company established by Media for Development (MFD), an educational media organisation. It aims to harness the talent and expertise generated by a project run by MFD at Downview Women?s Prison in Surrey, where prisoners study on a BTEC course in digital media.

The new production company works employs graduates from the Downview Women’s Prison’s courses as production assistants to produce commissioned professional video, print and multi-media products. It aims to offer prisoners valuable work experience and make the most of the skills they have developed during training, but ultimately it aims to better equip them for a more effective release from prison.

Participating prisoners travel to Inside Job Productions’ premises in London on day release to work on numerous projects, and return to prison each evening.


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