UK: Moments with nature to boost RSPB membership
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds is asking people to upload their special moments with nature in an effort to boost membership and inspire people to commit to protecting birds
di Staff
The RSPB is urging potential members to upload their 'moment with nature' in an effort to change perceptions of the charity and raise awareness of its broad remit of caring for wildlife and the environment as well as birds, UK and globally.
The 'moments' campaign, created by Cascaid, aims to boost membership and fundraising support by engaging and inspiring people through those experiences of nature which touch or are relevant to people personally. The campaign uses a series of banner ads and press adverts running in The Times and BBC magazines, including Countryfile, BBC Wildlife, Radio Times and BBC Gardener's World.
The adverts encourage people to visit the RSPB moments microsite and special competition websites being run in partnership with the BBC and The Times where you can upload a description and photograph of your personal 'moment'.
Roger Lawson, strategy and planning director of Cascaid said: "The RSPB has a fairly scientific brand perception and this campaign aims to make a more emotional connection with people. Emotive engagement is the key: we want people to truly understand how relevant the RSPB's work is to both the health of the planet and to them personally. Those special moments when you connect with nature, whether it?s a walk in the countryside, spotting a hovering kestrel, or swimming in a clean ocean, are vitally connected to the conservation of the environment that not only birds but all living things require, including us!"
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