Non profit

UK: Jim Baker, director of Age Concern B&H

Jim Baker, director of Age Concern Brighton & Hove, discusses Gordon Brown's latest promises to the third sector and wonders whether it will be able to rise to the challenge ...

di Carlotta Jesi

Name: Jim Baker

Job title: Director of Age Concern Brighton & Hove (

What do you think about Gordon Brown's 3rd September speech?
I think it is a confirmation of the fact that, even during the Blair era it was he who was behind the growth of the third sector. The International aid department's budget shows this clearly as there has been a 10% increase since Labour has been in power.

There are some differences though, Tony Blair placed his bets on stars, like Bono Vox, Brown has chosen volunteers?
He has moved the cultural axis that revolves around celebrities to one that he knows better: people. He is Scottish, and Catholic. His background is made up of small people and organisations that help each other out. A return to the community that emerges from all his speeches, not just the ones about volunteering.

Will he transform promises into facts, and how long will it take him?
He will, but my question is a different one: are we, the third sector, ready for the change he has in mind? For the opportunities he has in mind? I don' think so. For years the third sector has complained about being an outsider, but in some ways it is easier than accepting to become a fully pledged partner with the government. We must decide ourselves to accept a culture based on contract and compromise: if we don't, Brown will give away the money he has promised to others. To unions, for profit companies or other partners.

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