UK: Government minister praises fair trade revolution
Stephen Timms MP was speaking to an audience of over 250 supporters at the Traidcraft annual conference in the north east city of Durham on 22-23 September 2007
The UK?s Minister for Competitiveness has praised the role of one of the UK?s fair trade charities in leading a revolution in shopping. Stephen Timms MP was speaking to an audience of over 250 supporters at the Traidcraft annual conference in the north east city of Durham on 22-23 September 2007. Traidcraft is one of the oldest and largest UK organisations which works in fair trade and international cooperation projects.
Opening the conference, Stephen Timms said that Traidcraft had led the revolution that had brought fair trade into the mainstream shopping and now fair trade needed to have more influence on political and economic choices.
The conference included contributions from fair trade producers from all over the world (Malawi, Mauritius, Chile and The Philippines) who illustrated the positive effects of fair trade in theirs lives and the benefits for their families and communities.
It was organised in workshops in which staff from Traidcraft helped delegates to understand all the steps involved in fair trade system from the support to producers, the development of new products, the opening of new markets to the campaigns for change.
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