UK: Government department for third sector

Major changes announced in the Tony Blair’s government reshuffle in May have greatly increased the importance of the third sector in the UK.

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A new department called the Office of the Third Sector has been created within the Cabinet Office ? the area of government closest to the prime minister. The Cabinet Office is headed by Hilary Armstrong who is also the Minister for Social Exclusion and one of Tony Blair?s most loyal supporters. Previously responsibilities for the third sector had been spread across a number of government departments. At the same time the government announced the start of a public consultation on the Future Role of the Third Sector in Social and Economic Regeneration. Representatives for the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury will seek the views of interested parties as a series of events being held throughout England in June and July. Most third sector organisations have welcomed these developments in public, but privately some are concerned and confused by the unexpected changes. In particular some members of the Social Enterprise Coalition are concerned that social enterprise will no longer be the responsibility of the Department of Trade and Industry and feel that they will no longer be treated as ?real businesses?. The Social Enterprise Coalition is also dismayed that the Department of Health has announced that it will no longer fund a university course to help nurses set up social enterprises.

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