
UK: Good Energy wins new award for women

The electricity supplier Good Energy has won the UK’s first Women in Ethical Business Awards

di Alpha communication

The awards, run by Eve magazine and Triodos Bank, aim to celebrate the best ethical businesses in the UK that are founded or run by women. Scotland-based Good Energy is the only electricity company in the UK that supplies every customer with 100% renewable electricity from the natural, sustainable energy of wind, sun, or running water. The average Good Energy supply customer saves two tonnes of CO2 per year, the equivalent to not driving 5,000 miles in a petrol car. Good Energy founder and director Juliet Davenport, says: ?I am confident that the award will help to raise awareness about the importance of renewable energy as part of the solution to climate change. Choosing an ethical approach to business is so important for a sustainable future.? As part of the award Good Energy receives a £2,500 business development package from Triodos Bank.

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