Non profit
UK: Ethical investment hits record £9 billion high
Britain investing more money ethically than ever before. As at 31st December 2007 there was £8.9 billion invested in Britains green and ethical retail funds, says EIRS
di Staff
Latest figures released by EIRIS, the London based non-profit sustainable investment specialists, show that as at 31st December 2007 there was £8.9 billion invested in Britain?s green and ethical retail funds (i.e. those funds open to the general public).
The £8.9 billion represents almost three quarters of a million accounts in ethical funds, up from around 137,000 accounts in 1997 when less than 1.5 billion was invested ethically.
The last few years has also seen the universe of UK ethical retail funds expand considerably. There are now almost 100 green and ethical funds available to UK investors – a decade ago there were just a couple of dozen.
?Growing consumer interest in issues like climate change, human rights, fair trade and poverty continues to drive demand for green and ethical investment? said Mark Robertson, EIRIS? spokesperson. ?Over the last few years we?ve seen a huge increase in the amount of money invested ethically, with many more Britons choosing green and ethical options when managing their finances? he continued.
Consumer demand for ethical investment is expected to continue throughout 2008 and will be boosted by the UK?s first ever National Ethical Investment Week (18-24 May) which aims to encourage everyone to consider green and ethical options for their investments.
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