
UK: Environmentally-friendly savings

Triodos Bank in the UK has launched a new savings account to help depositors fight global warming

di Alpha communication

The Triodos Bank Renewable Energy Bond, offers a fair financial return of 4.5% AER fixed for two years, and a powerful opportunity to act to combat climate change because the money deposited in the Bond will be used to finance renewable energy projects in particular, from small, environmentally-sensitive hydro-electric projects to community-backed wind farms. Triodos Bank – which only finances enterprises that create social, environmental or cultural added value – believes that the new account could tap into the public's enthusiasm for positive solutions to the environmental challenges we face. Charles Middleton, Tridos Bank UK Managing Director, says: "From record levels of recycling to the huge popularity of Al Gore's environmental documentary An Inconvenient Truth, millions of people are concerned about climate change, and they're looking for ways to do something positive about it. The Triodos Renewable Energy Bond is a savings account that allows them to do just that."

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