
UK: Enterprising solutions awards: the social ‘oscars’

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the awards that prize social enterprises for excellence. Now there is an added challenge: to take up major moral issues as well...

di Staff

Social enterprises have been challenged to take up their ?moral obligation? to address major issues like the gang violence that is currently dominating UK headlines by Liam Black, former boss of Jamie Oliver?s Fifteen restaurant, who issued the challenge at the launch event for this year?s Enterprising Solutions Awards – the UK?s national ?Oscars? for social enterprise ? earlier in May.

?We?ve listened to shop keepers, police, former gang members – and everyone says what is needed is meaningful work. People are pleading for people to come into these areas. This is a major opportunity for us and a moral obligation. I don?t think the private sector will do it, I know they won?t, but they might do it in partnership with social enterprise?, said Black during the launch event hosted by the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the awards – and Black was speaking in his capacity as both a ?Social Enterprise Ambassador? and as the former CEO of the Furniture Resource Centre Group in Liverpool, which was the first ever winner 10 years ago.

The Awards are a call to action for successful social enterprises to be recognised for their achievements, whether they be farmers? co-operatives, recycling groups, leisure trusts or care homes. Winners will be announced at a ceremony in mid to late October.

RBS and NatWest director of community banking Eric Munro said: ?When we started we could not imagine that the awards would come to where they are today?, and added that, ?in 1999 social enterprise was a relatively unknown model, if known at all? The success since then proves that together we can achieve much more than we can alone.?

This year?s competition has three categories: best social enterprise, best new social enterprise and social enterprise in schools. Applications will be open until July 1st.

Third sector minister Phil Hope said: ?The truth is there is still lots of work to do – that's the real challenge all of us have got together. The Enterprising Solutions award is another really important contribution to breaking down the biggest barrier that social enterprises have which is people knowing about them?.

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