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UK: eBay sells for charity at Xmas
eBay is setting up a dedicated Christmas trading fundraising hub to harness the rapid growth in charity trading on
di Staff
eBay for Charity is setting up a dedicated charity Christmas trading hub to harness the rapid growth in charity trading on over the past year. Almost a thousand online charity ?shops? now operate on the site, compared to the 7,000 high-street charity shops around the UK.
The dedicated hub ? found at – will highlight interesting Christmas fundraising auctions being run by charities in the build up to and during the festive season, and will allow buyers to easily locate and purchase Christmas gifts that support worthwhile causes.
The average online eBay ?shop? now generates £6,000 a year, almost a fifth of a traditional high-street shop. More than one in three hospice charities sells actively on eBay, and 15 of the largest 20 charity shop chains now have eBay operations.
Nick Butt, eBay spokesperson, said: ?We?re delighted to witness the rapid growth in charities? sales, and are looking forward to an exciting Christmas trading period. Last year charities? sales on eBay doubled over the festive period, and we are hoping for an even bigger success this year.?
Nick Aldridge, CEO of MissionFish UK, eBay?s charity partner, said: ?We would like to hear from any charity, large or small, who is thinking of using eBay for their Christmas trading or fundraising. We want to help them get the maximum possible success and exposure through their eBay sales.?
The Pilgrims Hospice in East Kent has raised more than £55,000 by trading on eBay. Eddie Bradley, Retail Manager at the charity, said: ?We?ve found eBay for Charity a highly cost effective way of raising funds. Many everyday items from this country are highly sought after overseas, and a significant proportion of our sales now come from outside the UK.?
This acceleration in trading partly reflects the success of new charity support programmes launched on eBay, including a telephone support service and a programme of education and training events in partnership with the Association of Charity Shops. eBay?s charity fee policy has also meant that charities have found it to be a profitable sales channel.
MissionFish helps charities raise money on eBay by enabling them to eBay sellers to give some or all of their sale proceeds to charities. Charities interested in being part of the Christmas site should email
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