UK: Companies working in the South to publish what they pay
Over 300 NGOs worldwide launch the Publish what you pay! campaign to encourage transparency in the operations of oil, gas and mining industries in the south
di Staff
Over 300 NGOs worldwide, including Global Witness, CAFOD, Oxfam, Save the Children UK and Transparency International UK launch the Publish what you pay! campaign to encourage transparency in the operations of oil, gas and mining industries in the south.
In developed countries companies are obliged to make their economic figures public but not so in the South. NGO representatives argue that as natural resources are an important source of income for the governments of developing countries, greater financial accountability will encourage better revenue management, which will in turn contribute towards poverty reduction.
The Publish what you pay! campaign calls on oil gas and mining companies to disclose all the payments made to governments for the extraction of natural resources. Governments should also provide the legal framework to impose greater transparency and accountability.
To sign on to the petition:
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