Non profit

UK: collaborative blog offers advices to aid workers around the world

Over 12,000 aid workers working in field and headquarters locations around the world are registered users of the Aid Workers Network

di Carlotta Jesi

The best place to seek advice from aid workers in order to avoid repeating mistakes on the field? The web, where the Aid Workers Network (AWN) was set up in May 2002 to provide practical advice for aid workers from aid workers.

Aid Workers Network (AWN) was set up in May 2002 Aid Workers Network (AWN) was set up in May 2002 The AWN, a non for profit company registeres in the UK, today counts 12,000 aid workers member sharing news and ideas about their job around the world. The content of the blog is, in fact, entirely created by aid workers.

The topic discussed in the network range from finding a job to logistics and from natural disaster to personal security and varrious are the services proposed to users. The "Advice Pages", for example, are dedicated to aid workers seeking practical advices divided by topic and, together with a general introduction to the given topic,
provide links to useful resources. "Career in aid" is, instead, a section where to seek tips on getting your first aid job and to develop an humanitarian career whereas the "Aidblogs" are pages where aid workers online journals are collected and linked.

An example? Blogs written of the filed, from Afghanistan to Darfur, and journals updated daily from offices located in the European Union where too much money is spent in structural costs.

Enjoy your reading!

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