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UK Catalyst Award prizes social youth network
A social networking site called SavvyChavvy has won a national award for the social use of technology.
di Staff
The UK Catalyst Awards celebrate the use of technology in communities and saw eight prizes given out in categories such as the Enterprise Award and the Community Award.
SavvyChavvy, a social networking site for young gypsy travellers, won the latter prize, with travellers using videos and blogs to stay in touch using the site, which references ‘Chavvy’ as the Romany word for ‘youth’.
UK prime minister Gordon Brown gave out the awards at a ceremony last weekend and was keen to stress the importance of technology in the lives of community members.
“The worst of Britain can always be challenged by the best of Britain,” he said.
The awards were sponsored by the, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, the Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform and the Council on Social Action, whose member Oli Barrett was among the judges.
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