
UK: 55,000 social players celebrate Social Enterprise Day 2007

November 15th marks Social Enterprise Day. Read Vita Europe special report on the fastest growing force of the English non profit sector.

di Carlotta Jesi

Social enterprises are dynamic and sustainable businesses with social and environmental aims. This is how the English Government defines the fastest growing force of its civil society. Last year, on november 15th, Gordon Brown launched the government?s new social enterprise action plan promising new funds and support for social entrepreneurs. A promise that has become one of his priority as Prime Minister.

A growing force
According to the Social Enterprise Coalition, the Uk?s national body for social enterprise, today there are at least 55,000 social enterprise in the country with a combined turnover of £27billion per year. Social enterprises account for 5% of all businesses with employees and contribute £8.4billion per year to the UK economy. Almost 1% of annual GDP.

The roots
The idea of social enterprise goes back to the early cooperatives and mutuals, which used a business model for collective self-help. More recently, social enterprises have emerged from the voluntary and community sector. A very successful example of this is the ECT group, which began life as a small community transport operator. It still runs community transport services, but combines that with a £50m business spanning waste and recycling, health, community rail and a London bus route.

In 2005, The Government has created a new form of limited liability company specifically for social enterprises: the Community Interest Company (CIC).?The CIC complements existing legal forms for social enterprise, such as the Company Limited by Guarantee or Shares and the Industrial & Provident Society.?There are now over 1000 organisations registered as CIC's. ?City Healthcare Partnership, one of the Governments pathfinder projects for social enterprise in the healthcare sector became the 1,000th registered CIC on the 14th June 2007.

The future
Three factors will affect the development of social enterprise in the near future: government support, legal structure, social accounting and social audit.
If you are interested in this topic, read:

Young social enterprises
On november 15th 2007, Minister for Third Sector Philip Hope and Minister for the Cabinet Office Ed Miliband, will launch the Youth Commission for Social Enterprise: a group of leading young social entrepreneurs who will be a collective voice for young people in the social enterprise world.
If you are interested in this topic, read:

Leading social enterprises
Well known examples of social enterprise include The Big Issue, Cafèdirect and Jamie Oliver?s Fifteen Restaurant.
If you are interested in best practices, read:

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