Ucraina: new NGO partnership programme

A new program aiming to support east-east European partnership and cooperation among NGOs from Germany, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine has been launched

di Stefanie Schiffer

The German Robert Bosch Foundation, the PAUCI foundation and the Polish Sephan Batory Foundation have launched a new program aiming to support east-east European partnership and cooperation among NGOs from Germany, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine.

In 2004 Ukraine and Belarus became direct neighbour states to the European Union. The new program aims to strenghten nongovernmental cooperation between Germany, Poland as EU member states and Ukraine and Belarus as non-member states on the other hand.

NGOs from the four countries have the opportunity to apply for grants for thir project. Issues to be adressed may be: european integration, ecology, human rights and civil liberties and common history of eastern Europe. Information for applicants can be found at


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