
Ucraina: Hiv awarness cultural festival

On May 6, a Cultural-information festival will be held in (Western Ukraine with the main aim to inform about the current HIV/AIDS situation

di Stefanie Schiffer

On May 6, 2006 a Cultural-information festival will be held in Ivano-Frankivsk (Western Ukraine) with the main aim to inform citizens of Ivano-Frankivsk about the current HIV/AIDS situation in Ukraine. The festival ?Together against HIV/AIDS? is based on the principles of volunteerism and is organised by a group consisting of local NGOs, international organisations as UNAIDS and UNICEF and the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council. This joint initiative will involve local NGOs and their volunteers dealing with HIV/AIDS and related issues (such as gender, environment, sustainable development), will cover school kids from the local schools which will take active part by presenting their drawings on the subjects during the exhibition, playing games, and many other activities.

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