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Turkey: Activists support Greek social unrest
Turkish activists have called on Europe to support the social struggle of activits protesting in Greece.
di Bianet

“The Greek state must end the policies of pressure and violence against the people who participate in the activities, those who have been detained must be released,” declared Turkish activists in a speech delivered by the Socialist Platform of the Oppressed (ESP) in front of the Greek Embassy in Istanbul on December 12.
The statement was issued following the protests in Greece that have ensued after a 15 year old boy, Alexandros (Alexi) Grigoropoulos, was killed by the police. Turkish activists, including members of the IstanbulGreece. branch of the Human Rights Association, have called upon the European peoples to support the activists in Greece.
Sedefoglu said: “This massacre coincided with the period of the traumatic effects of the financial and global crises. The Greek government lets the police use violence to stop the dynamic social opposition that is on the side of the thousands of workers fired and tens of thousands in fear of being fired,” continued ESP member Ersin Sedefoglu. Pointing out to the more than fifty people slain by the police since the law about the duty and authority of the police (PVSK) was passed in Turkey, Sedefoglu stated that they were in solidarity with the Greek people.
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