
Tools for responsible business

The leading European business network for corporate social responsibility has the pleasure of inviting us to the ‘Equipped for CSR’ event in Brussels on 4 December 2008.

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The event will be an opportunity to:

· Find out how companies from different sectors are working together with EU institutions, national governments and civil society organisations to address today’s socio-economic and environmental challenges around issues such as social inclusion, education, diversity & equal opportunities, demographic change, supply chain management and many others

· Be the first to gain insight into CSR Europe’s Toolbox including new research findings, collaborative network models, online resources, practical guides and other CSR tools

· Learn about CSR Laboratories, business-stakeholder cooperation projects launched under the umbrella of the European Alliance for CSR and in contribution to the European Strategy for Growth and Jobs

· Network with more than 300 participants from international companies, EU institutions and other stakeholder organisations


The opening session of the event will also be available as a LIVE WEBCAST at www.csreurope.org/toolbox on 4 December 2008 from 13:30-14:00.



12:30–13:30 Registration & Lunch

13:30–14:00 Welcome Note

Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament

Vladimir Spidla, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

14:00–14:30 Launch of CSR Europe’s Toolbox for a Competitive and Responsible Europe

Viscount Etienne Davignon, Ministre d’Etat, Vice President Suez-Tractebel, President of CSR Europe

Richard Howitt, European Parliament’s Rapporteur for CSR

14:30–16:00 “Discover the Toolbox” Interactive Exhibition

Learn about new CSR tools and networks at the 20 CSR Laboratory stands and exchange ideas on how they can benefit business and society

16:00–16:30 Closing Remarks

Philip Bushill Matthews, Member of the European Parliament

Günter Verheugen, Vice President of the European Commission responsible for Enterprise and Industry


For more information about the programme, please visit www.csreurope.org/equippedforcsr. For more information about the media programme and interview opportunities at the event, please do not hesitate to contact Laura Maanavilja, lm@csreurope.org, tel. +32 2 541 1618.

To register for your complimentary media pass, please fill in the registration form below and return to lm@csreurope.org. We will confirm your registration by e-mail.


Dates & Venue: December 4, Brussels

Find out more: www.csreurope.org/equippedforcsr


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