
Travel videos with a twist. Every video sold means one video will be made for charity for free.

di Vita Sgardello

Who hasn’t been sucked in by the old sales trick “two for the price of one” at least once in their lives? More and more social enterprises are adapting this idea to their business models so that profitable activities finance non profitable social ones.

Timbooktwo, a Belgian videomaking agency specialized in travel documentaries does just that.

For every video they make and sell commercially, they promise to make one for free for a charity. According to the agency’s website, the idea to ‘give something back’ was inspired by the places visited on their travels. “In the same way an online video can help increase sales for tourism companies, footage of chosen charity projects can encourage charitable donations,” they claim.

To find out more

Watch their video 

Visit their website.

17 centesimi al giorno sono troppi?

Poco più di un euro a settimana, un caffè al bar o forse meno. 60 euro l’anno per tutti i contenuti di VITA, gli articoli online senza pubblicità, i magazine, le newsletter, i podcast, le infografiche e i libri digitali. Ma soprattutto per aiutarci a raccontare il sociale con sempre maggiore forza e incisività.