“This is subservience. We don’t need it, and neither does Obama.”
Rick Cohen explains why he thinks the Serve America Act is a bad idea
di Staff

“The worst thing that the non profit sector can do for Obama? Shut up. Or even worse: transform into an indulgent and uncritical servant to the administration and call itself “expert of the non profit sector”.”
Former executive director of the National committee for responsive philanthropy and now editor of the Non Profit Quarterly, Rick Cohen has always been a big supporter of Barack Obama; but, today, after the approval of the Serve America Act, he refuses to see why he must be a flatterer.
You don’t see the non profit sector as being the Obama administration’s right hand man then?
Absolutely not. The non profit sector must keep on doing what it has always done, that is being watchful, ready to criticize choices made by the administration, and ready to mobilize the communities it represents, without being tired of fighting for social justice. Obama doesn’t need a subject third sector, but one that reminds him of the American desire to change things and the promises made during the electoral campaign.
Obama is exactly the President who can understand and appreciate the critical role of the non profit sector inside society.
Precisely, and that is thanks to his past in the service. Now he is coping with many difficult issues, from the economic crisis to important social changes, and his effort to guarantee healthcare to all. And the non profit sector can actively contribute by supervising law proposals, valuing seriousness and faithfulness to electoral promises. This is no longer a time for slogans and public relations.
In your opinion what risks is the sector potentially facing?
In every electoral campaign there are big backers who hope to gain favours. Obama’s campaign makes no exception. We know that in his staff there are ex lobbyists for Lockheed-Martin, British Petroleum, and even Wal-Mart; and in the future, despite the President’s good intentions, new lobbies will try to carry outtheir interests. These people know the rules of the game well, and we can’t just watch.
What should the third sector do, elbow its way as any other lobby would?
There is nothing bad if the non profit sector behaves as a lobby. However it obviously has to do it in the interest of the community and not of single individuals, giving voice to the weakest and for a real change. I believe that a strong, serious, uncompromising “lobby of the social sector” is what we need today.
Even with a favourable government, the non profit sector can’t forget its vocation as “third sector”, that is far from power palaces and independent from political preferences.
Follow this link for the Serve America Act background article.
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