
The water and business summit

London will host the Water and Business Summit on November 26-27.

di Staff

“You don’t have to be in the water business to have a water crisis”
World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Is water a risk to your business?

Chances are, the answer is ‘yes’. Water scarcity is becoming ever more apparent. By 2025, JP Morgan predicts that major economies including the US, Western Europe and China, will experience significant water problems. As they conclude – “A scarcity of clean, fresh water presents increasing risks to companies in many countries and many economic sectors.”

The first Water and Business Summit is designed to help your business assess the risks you face. Our expert speakers will make sure you leave the two-day event with a clear idea of the next steps your business needs to take to address this complex issue.

Workshops and plenary sessions at the conference will cover:

– Future projections on water, and the business case for a sustainable water strategy

– How to measure your water footprint, and next steps when you do

– Operational efficiency – reducing water use in your business

– Water governance and pricing – an examination into likely fluctuations in the price of water

– Embedded water and supplier water management

– Public policy dialogue: your role as a business and the issues to be discussed

– Water neutrality and offsetting – unhelpful buzzwords or realistic aims?

– Local community engagement and community water partnerships

and much more…

Currently confirmed speakers include:

– Coca Cola, Salvatore Gabola, Global Director for Stakeholder Relations

– SAB Miller, Andy Wales, Director of CSR

– Rio Tinto, Elaine-Dorward King, Global Head of Health, Safety and Environment

– Wateraid, Barbara Frost, CEO

– PepsiCo, Andrew Smith, Global Director of CSR

– Genencor, A Danisco Division, Jeff Hogue, Director of Sustainability

– Intel, Mark Rutherford, Environment Manager

– University of Twente, Winnie Gernens-Leenes, Professor of Water Management

– Unilever, John Temple,Vitality Director

– Goldman Sachs, Andrew Howard, Sustainability Research Team


Find out more: www.ethicalcorp.com/water

Date & Venues: November 26-27, London


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