
The little bricks go green

Lego reduces toys packaging and makes it more sustainable

di Ottavia Spaggiari

If you belong to the Y generation, at some point of your life you must have gone through the “Lego experience”. Do you remember those little colorful bricks from Denmark you spent your afternoons playing with, trying to build anything that could somehow make sense?  And If you did not spend your afternoons trying to figure out  what to do with those bricks, because, as sad as it is, not everybody was born an engineer, then you probably had a brother, a sister or maybe just a friend who was Lego-addicted and that you didn’t like so much because of their Lego mania. Let’s face it, many of us have had a love/hate relationship with those tiny bricks.  Some parents still go nuts trying to emulate perfection and recreate the exact dinosaur, ship or car that is shown on the big packaging of those toys.

Well, from now on those parents can be reassured: after a successful Greenpeace campaign, the company has finally announced they will clean up their packaging and make it more environmental.

The campaign was launched earlier this year, after Greenpeace discovered that some packaging of Star Wars toys contained mixed tropical hardwood pulp coming from rainforest clearance.

Lego has now pledged to reduce the amount of packaging, use only recycled material when possible and try to ensure that pulp-based packaging is produced in a sustainable manner, when it is not possible to use recycled fibres.

“It is our intent that we will only source material from suppliers that are not involved in deforestation”.  Says Helle Sofie Kaspersen, Lego Vice President Corporate Governance and Sustainability. Some good news, capable to even make the “Lego-haters” love those bricks a bit more.

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