
The international convention on cluster munitions

The international convention on cluster munitions is to be signed in Oslo on 3 December 2008. The Ban Bus is touring through Europe to build public and media awareness in support for the cluster bomb ban.

di Staff

The Ban Bus Europe
The goal of the Ban Bus Campaign is to convince as many European states as possible to join the Convention on Cluster Munitions when it is opened for signature on 3 December 2008 in Oslo. The Ban Bus visited Athens Thursday 9 and Friday 10 October 2008. On Friday the bus was parked outside the Megaro Concert Hall metro station where photos by John Rodsted were exhibited and information leaflets distributed.

The process
The Norwegian Government took the initiative for a ban on cluster munitions in 2006. The process started in Oslo in February 2007, when 46 states endorsed the Oslo Declaration, which sets out a commitment to develop an international instrument prohibiting cluster munitions that have unacceptable humanitarian consequences. More than 100 countries have since joined the process, in addition to the UN, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and other humanitarian organisations.

Categorical ban
The convention ensures a categorical ban on all use, stockpiling and production of cluster munitions with unacceptable humanitarian consequences. It also sets out requirements for the destruction of stockpiles within short timeframes and for the clearance of affected areas, as well as strong provisions on support for victims.
The convention will help to protect innocent victims from being killed and maimed by cluster munitions in the future.
Based on the simple fact “If you don’t have them, you can’t use them” Norway is leading the process to ban these indiscriminate weapons that create a permanent dangerous legacy.

State Secretary Espen Barth Eide and the head of the Norwegian delegation, Steffen Kongstad, are clearly very pleased that the convention has been adopted.

To be signed in Oslo
The convention will help to protect innocent victims from being killed and maimed by cluster munitions in the future. The next step in the Oslo process will be the signing of the convention in Oslo on 3 December 2008.


Dates & Venue: December 3, Oslo

Find out more:www.norway.gr/policy/cluster/klasevapen.htm



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