It’s often people who work behind the scenes who make the revolution.
The Humble Heroes Project (Le Projet Imagine in French)
has the aim to bring to light the actions of those “Anonymous Heroes” who do incredible things for other people without wanting to be under the spotlight.
Born in 2010 in Paris, the Humble Heroes Project is an alternative media platform for social philanthropy. It has two main lines of pursuit. Producing and broadcasting video films focused on the best in human beings. And offering the possibility to give a hand to those heroes thanks to an Endowment Fund called “Les amis du Projet Imagine” (“The Friends of The Humble Heroes Project” Endowment Fund). The idea is to create a virtuous cycle by “helping those who help”.
The Humble Heroes project has three main sections in particular:
-Video films that put a spotlight on the actions of the anonymous heroes. This is the heart of the project.
-Conversations with philosophers, philologists, politicians, sociologists… to discuss on the notion of social bond, solidarity, mutual aid.
-The section Witness-Homage where personalities from various fields (sport, cinema, music, literature, politics…) share a fragile moment of their life when they have found an anonymous hero helping them. These witnesses are important because they allow to spread the message that regardless our personal experience our situation, we are all fragile human beings, and we all need each other.
The Humble Heroes is
a personal project of Frédérique Bedos, freelance journalist, television and radio presenter. Frédérique Bedos
explains that it was her parents who passed on to her the values of the project. Her parents, who grew 18 children, both natural and adoptive, were her first anonymous heroes.
“Speaking about love on the media is quite rare”, she continues, “especially when it is not aimed to make people cry. The project is based on action, that action that changes lives, destines. And that refuses defeatisms and pity”.
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